Changing browser text size.

    Date: 11/25/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I know this is stupid and obvious and I'm sorry, but I just cannot remember how to fix it.
    *mental block*

    You know sometimes if you hit a key and roll the scroll button on your mouse at the same time, your text can shrink or enlarge?
    Whatever I've pressed has shrunk mine and I cannot figure out what to press to get it back. It looks bloody hiddeous.

    I've done it before, afew times, and I was sure it was just something like holding down the shift key and then rolling the scroll button to change it back, but thats not working. That just seems to take me back a page.
    Help, please!

    I know there is a post just afew below this asking the exact same question, but that was for Firefox and I'm using AOL. :/

    Thank you so much if anyone can help. ♥


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