Agh, my computer hates me!

    Date: 11/28/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, antivirus

    My computer has been quite jackassical lately. Last summer, it started shutting down right when Windows loaded, and even when I went into safe-mode it continued the behavior, showing that it was either a boot-sector virus or hardware problems. So, first I took it to my girlfriend's brother who she said could probably fix it, he 0-filled the drive, but I guess he couldn't install RAID so then I took it to a local computer shop, it was fixed and according to the person, the only problem was that it got out of RAID formation (which I'm not sure if that was actually what the problem was). Even before this, every once in a blue moon at startup it wouldn't recognize the RAID formation, but then just by restarting it, I got to Windows.

    Now, it seems as if one of my HD's died (I now have it in RAID 1), which, wasn't TOO big of a problem, since I can just click "continue to boot" and I can still access the computer. But the last time I turned the computer on after the motherboard screen thing, at first it gave me a message "overclock failed" Then, once I restarted again I could get to Windows.

    So, what the hell? Is my motherboard shot? Could BOTH of my harddrives be shitting out on me? Could it be anything else? I mean, I haven't cleaned out the case in awhile, but I kind of doubt that could lead to anything this bad. I have McAfee antivirus and firewall along with spybot and ad-aware, so I really doubt it is a virus. Help! I am seriously worried that one of these days it just won't start for me.


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