Shameless Plug
Date: 12/02/06
(Computer Help) Keywords: web, spam
Please pardon the interruption and borderline spam. Just thought there might be a few of you in this community...
Welcome to the newly created community for Field Technicians,
fieldtech. This is a highly informal community, meant as a relaxing place for technicians to bitch about anything and everything.
For example:
* Working on a register that is on the verge of catching fire?
* Had to work a 24 hour shift doing overnight installs?
* Hate your callcenter/home office?
* Feeling like that PDA/BlackBerry is more like a house arrest bracelet than a technological marvel?
* Fall off a tower several hundred feet in the air?
* Got bitched out for missing your service level agreement deadline?
We feel your pain. Welcome to what I hope will be one of your favorite destinations on the web.