Viruses & adsl.

    Date: 12/02/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: browser, virus, web, spyware, google

    This sounds almost exactly like my problem:

    The symptoms are:

    - No web pages get displayed for any of the websites
    - If we reboot the pc/xp then internet web page access
    works fine for the first few minutes. After that
    it will not work. Tried both IEand Mozilla.But every
    thing in the setting seems to be fine. Checked the
    Tools Options, etc/host etc.All the connection settings
    are proper with DHCP enabled, Automatic IP address, DNS
    address etc.


    - ping works fine
    - nslookup also works fine.
    it shows the correct ip address to hostname mapping

    I tried MS Antispyware beta1 and AVG Free both found some viruses
    and of course rebooted the machine. But no use. I still ended up
    with the same problem.

    Finally I started removing winsocks entries in the registry. After that
    I could even use ipconfig and nslookup.

    I tried system restore from the control panel. Wow. It worked.
    I restored the system to the day where I had no problem to access internet.
    After restore, the pc boots on its own and then finally, the problem is gone.
    Since I restored the system to a backdate, all the visuses are also
    got restored. Again used Antispyware beta1 to scan the pc to remove
    all the
    affected Drives. Also, used AVG Free to remove remaining viruses.

    The solution:
    Use system restore.

    There,in case anyone can help me with this(pretty,pretty please!?)In my case System restore doesn't work,Windows re-installation(few times),didn't work either. Also,after I reboot,I still can't open pages in any browser,it just allows me to connect. Without rebooting my pc I can't connect at all. And sometimes even that doesn't help. My dial up works fine,as you can see.

    I'm not a computer expert,I know only basics,so please bear with me. Tnx.

    x-posted everywhere,because I'm desperate like that.


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