Black Desktop

    Date: 12/05/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hi everyone, this is a great journal!

    Anyway, I'm having a problem with one of my computers. My family just got me a new computer for Christmas, and we put our old one in my brother's room. I decided to take my graphics card out of the old one and put it in the new one. Well, now on the old computer, I can't see the desktop.

    I have tried everything I know. All I know is that originally, the old computer had something called "Intel Advanced Graphics" or "Intel Extreme Graphics"(It's an onboard VGA slot). I tried putting my graphics card back into the machine, and I was able to get to the desktop...but my inexperience led me to uninstall the graphics card. So now, I'm computer doesn't have drivers for both the original Intel onboard slot and my graphics card. I really don't know what to do.

    The computer starts up fine, and I can see everything up until after the black Windows XP loading screen. My problem is I can't see the desktop to install the monitor drivers.

    I also tried going into CMOS and changing my settings from Onboard to PCI and vice versa.

    If someone could help me, I would really appreciate it. Again, I think it's great that there are still friendly people out there willing to help!



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