Stupid Windows

    Date: 12/07/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I don't normally just ask for help, most of the time I'll dig throught he internet and find the answers to my questions on my own. After this week I'm so burnt out and tired, I don't have the energy and I just wanna go play WoW lol.

    Couple weeks ago my monitor died and thanks to a very nice paycheck I was able to go out and get a new new crisp 21" wide screen LCD. I get home with it and i'm like a kid on christmas morning. I unwrap it, clean off my desk, set it up, plug it in, and turn on my computer in the first time in those several weeks. System check is great, everything loads, then the lovely screen pops up with do I want to boot into Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking, Safe Mode with Command Prompt, Last Known Good COnfig, and Start normally. Ok, no biggie, windows is a ho.

    All the safemodes start to load the files then the system hangs.

    Last Known and Normally will either start to load then hang, or just reboot the machine on the spot.

    I've tried other monitors and I get the same results. I'm guessing somehow something got corrupted in Windows, the lovely OS that it is, and that's what's put me at the state I'm at. I'm curious if there's anyway to get around this as far as any of you have encountered and get windows back to normal. Normally I'd just suck it up, reformat and go along my merry way, but I don't have the energy to do so right now. lol And if that's what I gotta do, I guess I will. heh

    Windows XP Pro
    Athlon XP 2600+
    Radeon 9500
    Audigy II Gamer

    X-posted to Comp Support


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