My poor laptop

    Date: 12/12/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I posted the other day about my laptop monitor flashing. Now it has another problem. The right 1/3 of the screen is messed up. The only way I can describe it is to say it "pixelates" images. Little dots form around words, people faces, etc. I'm taking it in to get looked at tomorrow morning, but it will take them about 2 weeks to even look at it.

    My question is this, is it possible that the monitor flashing and pixelating is caused by the same issue?

    Also, another problem with the same laptop is the system tray time. It's wrong a lot of the time. I'll set it and a few days later it will be off by hours. What could be the cause of that?

    And, just to make another point, this is far from the first problems I've had with this computer. Before it was under warranty though, so I wasn't that upset [though for the first 6 months, it was getting fixed by HP for a greater amount of time than I had it in my possession]. And there is actually another problem with it aside from those three [the right arrow key doesn't work most of the time - I've taken it off, cleaned it, tried it without the key, etc but the result is the same]. *sigh*

    I've got computer woes.

    Thanks in advance for any help/info you can give me.

    [cross-posted a little]



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