Grrrr. Grrrr.

    Date: 12/15/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software, virus, web, spyware

    Ok. In the bottom right corner of the screen there's a flashing icon next to the date that is either an exclamation mark in a yellow triangle or switches to a bomb(ball with spikes). I can't right click to try to bring up a roll window to click exit because like a left click it sends me to this friggin website I don't have their software, never downloaded it. I cleaned my internet history, cookies, saved text, etc etc. I've also run Mcafee virus scan, spy hunter spyware scanner, and spybot scanner. None of them can pick this up and I don't know where to look for whatever's causing it on my computer beyond add/remove programs and searching my hard drive with *virusbuster*.

    Any suggestions? : /


« go away, quicktime .. || Ugh! »

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