A little more complicated than cntrl-alt-del

    Date: 12/27/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    I consider myself to be pretty technically inclined, I can usually fix most problems myself, but this one has exhausted me. I built this computer myself a few years ago, but never really used it much until recently. The problem that I've noticed is my USB ports respond, but won't provide power out to any devices. For an example, when I plug my digital camera in (powered by batteries, therefore doesn't need any power from the USB ports) my computer recognizes and works with it just fine. But on the other hand, when I plug in a web cam (requires power from the USB port) the system doesn't even acknowledge it's connected. My web cam has a power light, which doesn't turn on when I connect it, and the web cam is not being listed in Device Manager. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers for both the USB controller and the web cam several times, to no avail. I've checked all the motherboard jumpers and BIOS settings and can't find anything wrong there. I even did a complete clear of all my BIOS settings. Still nothing. Is there some reason Win XP would be keeping power from going out, or something else I'm not thinking of?

    ASUS P4S8X-X motherboard, all setting restored to factory default, on board USB 2.0. Win XP with all updates. Everything else functioning normally.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/728956.html

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