Be prepared for my lack of knowledge...

    Date: 12/30/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    When I test my PC specs to see if it's compatible with a game I want, and it says 

    "CPU: Recommended: Pentium 4 or Athlon XP or better
    You Have: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2400+"

    What the hell is it talking about? My processor?  Because it comes up with the speed and a different sub-heading underneath, but I'm sure that my Athlon is my processor!  It comes up twice so I'm confused :(  Like when someone keeps asking if you're sure... and you were to begin with but the more they ask, the less sure you are!

    Also, two rather silly Q's
    1. Does "Memory" = RAM? It does, right >>
    2. Do I have to have a modem with my PC to connect to broadband Internet? Or is the modem the box-thing most ISPs give you? *confused* Or is Dell talking about a PCI card & if so, do I need that?!

    Yes, I'm trying to build a Dell :P  They fool you into thinking you can customise your PC properly but can you? HELLZ NO ;.; They forced a Vista upgrade on me :(


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