help with wireless router ..

    Date: 01/03/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I just installed a new belkin wireless G router on my cable connection, and my sister's laptop is sharing the connection with a new belkin G wireless card. We both have newer dell model computers, and windows Xp home.

    The connection works on both computers, except sometimes the connection on my computer is very slow or just non-operational at all. My sister has said it has kicked her off about once or twice. Either my sister is using most of the bandwidth, or the router is just slow .. setting up the connection was easy enough, but now it's just causing problems. Without the router, it works fine .. (but my sister depends on the router cause she has no other way to access the net on her laptop.)

    When I check my network status, I see:


    There is no other way I can check or modify any settings .. it doesn't tell me my signal strength or anything, just how many packets are being sent and recieved. Most of the time, more packets are being sent then are being recieved. There is also no way to check how much bandwidth is being used by each user.

    So, is there a way I can increase the bandwidth on my connection? it was hard just posting this post because the router makes my cable connection as slow as dial-up sometimes. It was even going slow when my sister said she wasn't using her computer or her connection, so I don't know what to do. It shouldn't be this slow .. my sister is only right above me and within the range ..

    Thanks for any help.



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