Logitech QuickCam for Notebooks - doesn't work with ANYTHING

    Date: 02/01/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software, web

    Hey all, I'm about at my wit's end trying to get my webcam to work with ANY chat program. I purchased the Logitech QuickCam about four months ago and it works seemingly at random with MSN Messenger and AIM...but lately it hasn't worked with either. I installed the software as directed and am currently still able to record video and take photos with it on my computer, but whenever I try to connect to a friend's camera through MSN Messenger or AIM, it looks like it's trying to do something (the LED turns green), and the chat client SAYS it's connecting, but after 30 seconds, nothing happens and the chat just ends. Like I said, it was working about two months ago and I was even able to get the microphone to work (another issue I was having), but I have looked all over AIM's support page (wholly unhelpful) AND I've called Logitech, and have come up completely emptyhanded.

    I don't know if it's a firewall issue because my friend turned off his firewall once and we tried connecting...nada. The webcam is also listed in my firewall's Allowed Exceptions, and selected as the default video and voice device for both my computer AND for AIM. I have no idea what's going on; please help!

    I'm connected through a wireless network and the internet seems to be working fine on both my friend's end and mine...no idea what's going on.

    Please help! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    X-posted to '[info]'computerhelp

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/742001.html

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