Making Premiere and YouTube get along!

    Date: 02/04/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Using Windows XP and Adobe Premiere Pro v7.0.

    We all know that YouTube is a great way to find videos. Using programs like Video Downloader can make it a great SOURCE for videos as well.

    OR CAN IT?!

    I'm trying to make what should be a fairly simple video anthology, using clips from YouTube. The issue comes in converting the videos saved from YouTube into usable formats. They download in FLV format, and I've been converting them into MPEG. But, I just cannot make it reliably work in Premiere. Some of the videos have worked fine. Some get "Unsupported format or damaged file" errors.

    I just tried a new method tonight. I had been converting them with the Riva Flash Converter. But tonight I found, and gave that a shot. I tried it with two files. One on, the video imports fine and plays fine in the monitor. But the sound does not transfer to the timeline. There are no audio peaks, like the clip has no sound. But it does, and it plays in the monitor window. When I try to import the other file, Premiere freezes. It also froze Windows Movie Maker.

    So I don't know what to do here. Is there a way to covert FLV files that will allow me to import them to Premiere successfully? Please help!


    Crossposted all about the LJs.


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