Internet gone crazy.

    Date: 02/07/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Recently the internet on my computer has started to go strange, and I am currently using a different computer.
    My computer can turn on and load and stuff, but when I want to go onto the internet it comes up with an error screen saying that my computer isn't logged onto the internet, or that the site address is wrong and something else that I can't remember. The little connectivity computer for the internet always has the little blue screen which means that the internet is connected, but I can't get onto anything that involves the internet.  It also makes two other computers connected to mine via a wireless connection go really really slow when I have it turned on. I don't know what's causing this, because a few days ago it was working fine.. any ideas on why this could be happening? and how i can fix it?
    Thanks in advance.



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