Computer Help

    Date: 02/15/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hello. I'm having serious issues with my computer. My monitor decided to go out on me, so I finally got a new one. I plugged it in and turned it on. When you first turn it on, it has the message OFF IN 5 SECONDS appears, then the monitor goes into Powersave mode. The directions said to turn the monitor on then the tower, but after turning the tower I cannot get a picture. To compound this situation, I brought a brand new keyboard today and it won't work. When I turn the tower on after plugging in the keyboard the Number, Caps, and Scroll lock buttons flashed so I know it's plugged in correctly. After that first flash, if I hit the Caps Lock button, it wouldn't light up at all. The weird things is, if I plug my iPod up to the tower my iPod charges with no problem. So, I was wondering if anyone has any ideas at all for what's wrong? The stats for the monitor and computer are below. Thanks!

    Optiquest Q71
    Model Number - VCDTS22355 - 8M
    Serial Number - P0A040504144
    Power Rating - 100-240V-50/60 Hz 2.5A
    Date of Manufacture - January 2004

    HP Pavilion a220n
    Product Number - DK218A
    Serial Number - MXK3340GNP
    AMD Athlon XP Processor
    2600+ @ 2.08GHz
    512 DDR
    CDRW - 48x12x48
    DVD-ROM - 16x
    NVIDIA GeForce 4MX Graphics 64 MB DDR


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