Mouse problem

    Date: 02/19/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software

    I've been having an annoying issue with my mouse for the last month or so. It will randomly stop moving until I hit any key on my keyboard. When I do hit a key on my keyboard, any movement I've done with my mouse when it was frozen will be applied and the cursor will move straight to where it should be. I thought it was a software issue, but after reformatting yesterday it's still happening. I even updated the firmware on the mouse itself to no avail. I tried plugging into different USB ports, but it doesn't change anything. Has anyone dealt with anything like this before? I haven't even had my mouse for half a year, so I'd hate to think that it's crapping out on me already. It's a Logitech G5 USB laser mouse, and I'm running Windows XP SP2. I'm not sure if it would matter, but the keyboard is a Saitek Eclipse.


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