Graphics card woes

    Date: 03/09/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    My graphics card recently died. It had been flickering more and more, and then it just wouldn't create a picture at all anymore. (I know it wasn't the monitor because I tried my monitor on my bf's comp, and it worked, and tried his monitor on my comp, and his didn't work).

    So, I bought a new one, and the guy at circuit city told me to uninstall my old drivers first. well, I coulndn't do that without a gui, so I just popped the new card in anyway. Now, I still don't have a gui, because my screen is covered with wide, multicolored vertical bars the moment I turn it on. I can't interact with my comp at all.

    It would be so easy to just uninstall the drivers, but I can't SEE them to GET to them! I tried booting in safe mode (f8), but it was the same thing. Is there anyway I can work around this?


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