laptop fan

    Date: 03/19/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    It seems like my laptop fan is ALWAYS running... it is extremely loud to the point where it is embarassing to take the class and I was wondering what I can do about this? I've tried using compressed air to get dust off of the fans, but as this laptop is [relatively] new, about a year and a half old, there wasn't much dust in there to begin with. I can't figure out if the computer really *is* overheating and needs to have the fan on, or if there is something wrong with the sensor which causes it to be on all of the time. I bought an external fan (a coolpad) to put underneath the laptop, but the laptop fan is still running (so now ive got the noise of like 4 fans going!). Speedfan listed my internal temperatures as HD: 32C and Temp1: 55C (this is with the coolpad running as well). Are these normal? What can I do to remedy the situation?



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