
    Date: 04/08/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: java, web

    Okay. So I use Geocities as my website builder.
    Something's obviously gone wrong, here's the problem:

    I have two accounts: one is the username of 'trademillenium' which is used for the main page of my website: front page, contact page etc.
    The other username is 'fizzypineapple' which I use for my Cliques and fanlistings page as well as for posting website stamps (those plaques you get when you apply at a Livejournal community and they tell you which movie character you're most like, etc).
    Click 'Open' on Pagebuilder, there comes up the options of going to either the cliques page, the stamps page, and here's the problem: my main front page on the 'trademillenium' account (remember that I'm logged in on the 'fizzypineapple' account.)
    Now, clicking to open the 'Cliques/fanlistings' page, this box comes up constantly and won't allow me onto the page:
    'Error loading: /

    What does this mean, and how can I fix it?


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