MS Office

    Date: 05/27/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I recently purchased a new Compaq Presario with Windows Vista. Today, for the first time since purchasing the computer, I had to use MS Office (Word, specifically). Upon opening it, I was asked for my name and initials and I entered them, and then was told to enter a Product Key to verify it.

    I have no idea where this is.

    I've searched through the paperwork that came with the device. I typed "Product Key" into the Windows Search and it turned up nothing. I clicked the Help icon and it said if my Office was preinstalled, the Product Key would be found under some kind of icon (it gave me a picture of, I guess, the icon, but I can't find it).

    Any ideas on where this mysterious Product Key is located?

    Thanks in advance!


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