Help! Video Card Glitches making games look distorted.

    Date: 06/17/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hi there, hoping someone familiar with video cards can help field this one.

    I bought a new video card, which has worked well for a while, but now tends to extend some polygons WAY too far. Examples under the cut.

    As you can see, Deus Ex has become Aeus Cx by the looks of the logo, and Max Payne looks like he had a duct tape accident, with bizarre holes right through him!

    I've tried old drivers, new drivers, any idea I can imagine to solve this, and only one idea remains.

    My AGP port has a broken end, going from [--------] to [-------- instead. Would this be causing the error? Since it didn't reach the metal pins when it broke, and never affected the old card.

    Oh, lastly, the new card is a GeForce 7300 GT, and the motherboard contains a Pentium 4 1.6Ghz CPU and 512MB SD RAM, running Win XP SP2.

    Hopefully some of you have a few ideas on how to solve this! :)
    (These games look amazing, but would look damn near perfect without these glitches!)

    I'm hoping it's not a replacement job, but thankfully I have the receipt for this AU$189 card!


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