How do I get rid of the annoying "tooltips" in IE?

    Date: 07/11/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: google

    Hi! I hope this is the place to ask and possibly the place where I get help.

    I have IE at work. No Firefox allowed. Whenever I open google and hover my mouse over the search bar, the little yellow tooltip flag on the mouse appears, saying "Goodle-Search" or alternatively "Search" when you have already done a search. Not only does it appear, it flickers on and off, showing the mouse pointer and the text curser alternatingly.

    What's annoying is - it prevents me from actually clicking the search bar so the cursor focus jumps there. It also prevents me two out of three times to mark the old search text and replace it with a new one (something I do with the mouse, usually).

    It's really unnerving. It doesn't happen with my IE at home. I use 7.0.5730.11.

    I googled (painfully) and found that a) it's not a tooltip but an alt text attribute or b) it may be the title attribute.

    Any suggestions how to get rid of that? I don't care if it shuts off all the tooltips or alts or titles or just the ones that annoy me. I have no admin rights here, but if it is necessary to change the registry, I may get an admin to do it for me.

    Thanks much!


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