Dvd-player sound issue

    Date: 07/23/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Okay, so I have a cd-rom/dvd player which can also burn cd-roms, not dvds. It's about two years old now, and was in my computer when I bought it. I've had no issues with it so far until a couple of weeks ago.

    The problem is, while it plays the dvd movies smoothly the sound is bad. It cracks, jumps and is basicly annoying. It didn't have this issue before, so I have no idea what's wrong. Additionally I played a movie which I had burned to a cd-rom the other week and the picture kept flipping upside down, no idea what that was but that's the only time it's happened, so it could just be the movie file.

    So what I'm asking, anyone have any idea what's up with it? I bought some new dvds today and I'd like to watch them, heh.

    CPU seems just fine, drivers are up to date and the computer says it works just fine. Problem occurs in any dvd-playing program I have. Sound on movies played from hard drive is fine.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/801860.html

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