blue screen of death x.x

    Date: 08/01/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, spyware

    i posted here awhile back about my notebook, and have problems with that and my router. well the problem was'nt solved, so i figured i would just update on that first. my laptop is actually in a worse condition now.. through no fault of my own of course, and is just being used as an extra server. thank the summer storms and a leaky roof for that one.

    anyway, my problem now is about another machine. this is an old pentium3 compaq pc. it's not mine but one of my roomates, and even though i don't use it i'm being blamed for the problem. how fun! so here it is.when i kept hearing screaming and yelling i went into the other computer room, being asked why "I" had been installing programs on it. i was told which ones they were, and found the idiot owner screwing with BIOS, trying to fix the problem even though she has no idea what she's doing. when i got on to help, all it was doing was restarting, giving the option to start in safe or normal mode, then when you start it back up the windows logo comes on, and then this horrible blue screen. it's a full screen with a few paragraphs of text at the top, and then more text at the bottom. this happens for only half-a second before it restarts and it goes on for days.

    now, all i could think of doing is reformatting windows. which i've done multiple times already on this machine, because the idiot likes to download viruses and spyware. i can get windows to start to install, it goes all the way to 34 minutes, before the devices are installed the machine cuts off, and then restarts. once again on a continous loop. so that's where i'm at right now. i'm hoping this is a very common problem with a somewhat simple fix. i'd rather not ave to go out and buy a new harddrive for this pc, especially since my pc is still dead, and i'm out a notebook of my own as well.

    any help with this would be awesome right now, thanks in advance.


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