Piece of Headphone Adapter Stuck Inside Laptop

    Date: 08/15/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    OS: Windows XP
    Brand: HP... not exactly sure of the number but it's one of last summer's entertainment notebooks.

    Haven't included a ton of info because I don't think it's relevant to the problem but if it is I'll do my best to find out!

    Right so... I have some nice headphones which require an adapter to be played on my laptop. Unfortunately the very end of the adapter came off INSIDE the headphone jack (plug?) of my laptop. Many, many people have tried to get it out but because it is so tiny and so jammed in there it has been decided that there's no way it's coming out. Unfortunately in the process of this fiddling about my sound stopped working altogether (even from the speakers). I'm hoping that this is just because the piece was jammed so far in that the laptop now things it's playing through headphones.

    So my question is... assuming that I haven't destroyed my sound card or anything internally... is there any way I can switch the audio input/output feeds so that my microphone jack is my headphone jack and vice versa? I know you used to be able to do that on ooold PCs but is there any way I can do it on my laptop? Or is there a way I can tell my computer to ignore the headphone jack altogether? As much as I would love to be able to use headphones I will definitely settle for getting any sort of sound back.

    My laptop is basically useless to me if I don't have sound so I'm pretty upset over this. And I don't really have the cash to sound it away to HP and have them replace the whole thing.

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    [x posted a bit]

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/806730.html

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