Senderbase and apparent false spam accusations

    Date: 08/29/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: google


    Here's an amended version of my previous, deleted post. It might be just coincidence, but since the power came back on after an outage yesterday, I haven't been able to send email with Outlook 2003 (I'm running XP SP2). I get an error message saying that I've been blacklisted at, which appears to be true when I put in my IP. Why I've been blacklisted I know not. I don't send an abnormally high volume of email by any means. I run two email accounts (Gmail and university) on Outlook, and they both became blocked at the same time. I've rebooted and reset my cable modem and wireless router. I called my ISP, and they said that if they wanted to block my email for some reason, they could only do that if I were sending email through their email service, with which I don't have an account. Finally, my OS X laptop can send from both email accounts using the Mail application. The IP is the same as my that of desktop (the PC). This leads me to believe that the problem must be with Outlook, but I can't figure out what the problem could possibly be.

    The error messages also include 0x800CCC6F errors (sadly, I typed that error number from memory), but Google searches didn't turn up anything that helped me.

    Thank you very much in advance for your help.


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