Recovery Discs

    Date: 09/03/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hi there, need some help!

    I just recently got a HP Pavilion dv9417ca laptop and I am having trouble with making the recovery discs.

    What happens is this : The recovery disc space required is 2 DVD-/+R discs. It managed to create the first disc, but it fails when writing the second. The message that pops up reads as follows :

    Recovery manager

    The PC Revocery Disc Creator was not able to create the discs. We suggest you select a different type of disc to create the set of recovery discs for your PC.

    Reccomended actions : 
    - Always use discs that support the maximum writing speed of your writer
    - Use DVD+R id DVD-R writing failed and vise versa
    - Use CD-R if DVD writing failed
    - Choose a different, high quality brand of discs

    The Recovery disc creation will start with the first memory the nest time you start the program.

    Despite the ending sentence, the program does infact start off with the second disc.

    I've used two different types of Memorex DVD-R. For the first type I only had the two discs that were supplied with the laptop. One of those worked for the first writing of the recovery disc, but when came time to write the second it failed. I tried using the DVD-Rs I had already but those ones also failed, coming up with the same message above. 

    I've already messed up several discs trying to do this. So, I'm basically left with one successful recovery disc of the two needed and a small pile of messed up DVD-R discs. Please help!!!


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