My usual blond questions

    Date: 09/22/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, antivirus, spyware

    Bought a desktop from a friend who reformatted the computer. Uuuuunfortunately he did so with a windows disc he'd already used once before (I'm completely technically illiterate so if I use a completely wrong phrase feel free to laugh) So the thing works pretty well and I haven't had any issues with the antivirus freewares he installed. But recently the computer froze and I had to restart it, and since then when I go to listen to something it tells me there's an audio error. My speakers are plugged in and in working condition. They worked before the crash! So anyone know what to do?

    Also, on my shitty laptop I'm having TONS of problem with the internet. I use Firefox but still occasionally when I click on something it makes it open in IE. Well, now the stupid "This window requires you to be online blah blah connect or work offline" box pops up and doesn't take no for an answer! I'm almost ALWAYS on the internet, but it insists on asking me to connect to the old dial up my father had 3 years ago when it was his. And now I'm having pop-up upon pop-up (tongue twister) randomly... um... popping up... with IE whether or not I'm using it. My pop-up blocker is on so I'm assuming this is spyware or something... Also, my computer is having an awful lot of "fatal errors."

    And problem 3, my laptop is RIDICULOUSLY slow, and my desktop is always on the internet. So I keep my music on the desktop and decided to delete it off of my laptop so I could connect my Iphone to the faster computer. Well, go figure, I get a pop-up on my desktop when I connect it saying I need Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher. How do I get this, or is there a way around it?

    xposted to computersupport


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