computer stuck in a eternal reboot loop

    Date: 09/23/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    i'm on my sister's laptop in case anyone is wondering ..

    Ok, so I have windows xp home. My computer was working completely fine before this. My friend was installing themes for me .. and he came across a matching shutdown screen that is supposed to match the theme .. all you need to do is replace msgina.dll with a file replacer .. the original msgina.dll was 9.45 kb, the new one was 1.05 mb ..

    well he did that, and after that, my computer would not boot up correctly.

    When it looked as if it was going to load the 'welcome' screen where you enter your password, just a black screen and the cursor appeared, and a window flashed on the screen for about half a second, I couldn't really read it, but it looked as it it said 'starting windows' .. then it didn't load past that, it just restarted.

    and the same thing happens in safe mode.

    I have the original copy of msgina.dll on my flash drive, which is E:, but when I use my recovery CD in the dos command prompt, it will not accept any of my commands .. I type REPLACE or RENAME and it says 'the command is not recognized'. And it just keeps rebooting itself .. it won't go to the desktop, all I can do is use the recovery cd and the command prompt.

    I don't know what to do .. how do I replace the file from the command prompt?

    I really need some help .. thanks alot.


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