
    Date: 10/01/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Sorry for those of you that have already seen this, but I thought that I would try over here too. So, I used to have a Gateway laptop, that I have since replaced with a Toshiba laptop. This is my problem. I have Motorola Phone Tools that I used to use to create my own ringtones and to transfers stuff from my computer to my phone and from my phone to my computer. Since I changed computers though, MPT does not work. I think it has something to do with the fact that I was using Windows XP before, and now I'm using Vista. I have managed to fiddle around with it and it works for the most part now, but, I now have a large problem that I just can't seem to fix. I seem to be missing some type of mp3 codex, and this is keeping my from being able to make my own ringtones, which is the reason why I use MPT to begin with. I tried switching to several other programs, but they all tell me the same thing, missing mp3 codex. I can play music fine on my computer, iTunes works fine, Windows Media Player works, the only thing(s) I can't get to work are anything that I try and use to make a ringtone. I have tried to fix this by downloading several codex(s?) from different sources, but nothing seems to work. Anybody out there that can help me? Please? I know this got kinda long, if someone could tell me how to do a cut I would be very happy to do so.
    I can't get my computer to work with LAME, so any help there would be appreciated, because I have been told that this could solve my problem, but when I try to get it to run, it comes up with a error message that it can't open up the file type.


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