Minor Firefox annoyance

    Date: 10/06/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: java

    This is a minor thing, but I can't seem to find any sites online that explain how to fix it.

    I like to follow sports games online using ESPN's GameCast. However, when I open it in FireFox, the window is too small! About half of the info is cut off. There is no scroll bar, and it won't let me resize the window. What can I do to get FireFox to open this window full size?

    What I've tried:
    1) Telling FireFox to ignore Javascript resizing of windows.
    2) Making sure new windows open in new tabs. GameCast opens in a new window anyway, when I right click the link and instruct it to open in a new tab, it just opens the main scoreboard page again in a new tab.


    EDIT - I did just find an interesting workaround. I have the plugin for FireFox that allows you to open sites in a new Internet Explorer Tab. I opened the scoreboard page in an IE Tab, then clicked the GameCast link. It opened the GameCast page full-size, in another IE tab! Weird, but it works. I'd still like some ideas, because I know there's an easier way.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/825131.html

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