Firefox hates me!

    Date: 10/20/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: browser

    I have another FireFox question...stuff seems to be randomly messing up now. I have to ask here because I can't think of how to word it and any way I've tried searching for it and haven't found anything.

    One day, I opened FireFox and the bottom bar had jumped way up.

    Another thing I noticed in here is that on the bottom left is a small orange upside-down v.

    It won't allow me to resize it. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling. It came right back. I got so frustrated with this that I started using Internet Explorer 7, but either my computer is a shade to slow for it, it uses too much memory, or both. It just didn't run as smoothly or quick as FireFox. So please, help me get my FireFox back!

    Any other browsers I should consider? Is Opera better than FireFox?


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