Not a computer help question, more of an iPod help question

    Date: 10/29/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software

    I have a 5th Generation iPod.  Up until now it has worked fine.  I was listening to it and it froze out of the blue.  I waited a couple of seconds to be sure it was frozen then I reset it.  It reset with no problems and I started to listen to my music again.  All of a sudden the song stopped.  I grabbed my ipod and looked at it and saw the Apple icon.  My ipod continues to restart. I've put it to sleep and locked the hold button and it still restarts.  The ipod software is up to date and when I connect it to a Mac or PC it shows up and the songs play with no problems. I have no idea what to do.  If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!


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