Windows Vista Issue!

    Date: 10/30/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software, virus, antivirus, microsoft

    So glad I found these communities! I am in desperate need of help. Please bear with me; my knowledge of computers is fairly limited.

    I run Windows Vista on a Dell Latitude D630. It has a dual processor that runs at 800 MHz. I bought it through my school's bookstore, so it came installed with McAfee Antivirus Software.

    Here's the issue.

    Out of the blue - well, at least it looked it to me - I started getting some weird notifications. They say the following:

    (Program) has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available. [ Close Program ]

    This is affecting a LOT of the programs on my computer. I first noticed it when I tried to install Audacity and the Install Wizard wouldn't run. I've now noticed that it also affects Quicktime, Internet Explorer, Kodak EasyShare Software, Windows Automatic Updates, Microsoft Windows Search Protocol Host, and others. In an attempt to fix the problem, I've done TWO system restores. Neither worked. I've tried to pinpoint what could have caused the problem, but I really can't think of any installations or whatnot that could have triggered it. It's really a bugger... any suggestions?


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