Date: 11/03/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hopefully someone can help me with this, cause I'm not that computer saavy....

    Firefox automatically updated itself tonight, and now when I try to use it it says "unable to connect." If I open up IE, I get an internet connection just fine.

    I would just continue using IE, but the problem with my IE is that it freezes up if I need to open a pop-up window. This is the reason I began using Firefox in the first place.

    I've gone on some of the Mozilla help forums and have seen that other people have had similar problems. I have messed around with my firewall settings and nothing seems to help. I'm really upset about this because I'm taking an online class right now and really need to be able to open pop-ups.

    Please help me if you can.


« Sorry for the dumb question.. || So basic it's probably... »

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