I Iz iTunes Stoopid

    Date: 11/05/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I recently came into possession of an iPod. I downloaded iTunes a couple of days ago so I would be able to put my music onto the iPod. I downloaded the program and started to import my pre-existing library from my external harddrive. After I realized how much space on my old and already-slow laptop the imported songs were taking, I halted the process, closed iTunes, and uninstalled the program, thinking it would free up the space again. Which it didn't. I went through all my program folders to find where the imported songs are still lurking, but I couldn't find them.

    Where does iTunes automatically dump all the songs it imports for its music library and how do I remove them? Once they are located is it a simple matter of deletion if iTunes has already been uninstalled from my laptop, which is running Windows XP?

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/835751.html

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