Internet Connection Problem

    Date: 11/10/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, web, spyware, google

    (x-posted to computerhelp)

    After moving and switching DSL plans, I've started to have some trouble with my internet connection. Some websites, such as google and LJ, will load fine. But others, like Wikipedia, won't load at all. The status bar will say 'Waiting for (website)...' but then it just doesn't load. Yesterday it said 'Website found, waiting for reply...'. Everything was fine on the 2nd before I moved, but it's been like this since I set everything back up on the 8th. I'm running Windows Vista with IE7, but I'm having the same problem with Firefox and Opera. I contacted my ISP and they said my connection was fine; they told me to call my computer manufacturer. So I called them and they told me to do a System Recovery. I'd rather not do that if there are other things to try, so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas.

    Could the problem be the fact that I changed service plans? My ISP didn't say anything, although I'm pretty sure the tech. I talked to didn't know much about computers other than how to read a troubleshooting manual. Same with the computer manufacturer tech.

    Things that have already been suggested:
    Delete Temporary files/cookies
    Delete Temporary Internet Files folder
    Check for viruses/spyware/adware
    Try logging on on a different account
    Resetting IE back to default settings
    Disable Firewalls/anti-virus programs

    Anybody have any ideas?


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