Desktop and My Computer: odd behaviour

    Date: 11/12/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: browser

    Hello all,

    My details
    I'm running Windows XP on an HP Pavillion laptop, with Firefox as my main browser. I have AVG, Zonealarm, Spybot and Adaware, and I last ran Spybot last night (it found one entry - Statcounter - which I fixed).

    I'm fairly ignorant about technical matters, but reasonably comfortable with things like editing the registry if someone talks me through in detail.

    My problem
    I decided to tidy up my desktop today, and started deleting shortcuts that I never use. Some of them deleted no problem, but I've run into something weird with others. When I try to delete, it gives me the customary 'this deletes the shortcut, not the program' message, but then flashes up an error message: 'Cannot delete . Access is denied. Make sure the disc is not full or write-protected and the file is not in use.'

    This is happening with shortcut icons for Windows Live Messenger, Readerware, Firefox and AVG. It deleted the ones for Internet Explorer, CCleaner and Semagic without any problems.

    I've also run into another problem which may or may not be connected. When I open up 'My Computer', the 'My Documents' icon is missing from the main view. It's still there in the sidebar, and I can access it no problem, but where the icon usually shows up under 'Files stored on this computer' I only have 'Shared documents'.

    Any ideas? These are both minor problems in themselves, but I'm slightly concerned they are symptoms of something more sinister.

    Thanks in advance!


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