laptop trubs

    Date: 12/07/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Two things

    1) I have a 6 month old Sony Vaio (please, I don't need comments about how other laptops are better, this is what I have and I'm stuck with it). Lately, the left touchpad button doesn't seem as reponsive as normal..........I'll have to click two or three times before it responds. :( Is this common and how to I remedy it?

    2) I really have no idea how the keyboard controls work for this, as in I know that I have the option to autoscroll pages or whatnot. Currently, when I press, say, an arrow, it goes back a page rather than navigating on the current page. I'd like to disable all the keyboard shortcuts that navigate the screen, if that makes any sense. I just want to do it the old fashioned and scroll and what not. How do I disable all the fancy keyboard shortcuts?



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