Messenger issues

    Date: 12/22/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, antivirus, web, spyware, yahoo

    Hello dear community who has helped me out a lot by now.

    I've great issues with web messengers like MSn, Yahoo-Messenger and the newer versions of AIM.
    They all refuse to connect (basically right away as if they were blocked), only an older version of AIM can connect, the newer verions which are available for download everywhere aren't working.

    I'm using the Windows firewall on Windows XP and suspected it to be the one at fault first but I checked it and appearently that is not the problem here as I've put the msn and aim exes on the list to be not blocked, still not working.

    Before I've been running out of my Norton trial I've been using their firewall and the newer AIm version which refuses to work now worked perfectly fine then (this is why I assumed Windows firewall right away)

    I'm also using AVG antivirus (though not the firewall because it's not part of the free version appearently?) and Spyware doctor, if this has any revelance to what's happening here.

    How can this be fixed?

    and cross posted to computersupport


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