Gimme my damn files.

    Date: 01/03/08 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    OKAY. Here's my calamity predicament.

    My laptop crashed. WOE. D:< Dell/a technician came in, replaced the memory and motherboard and... still crashed. After that, the guy told me that it was my operating system, Windows Vista [Ultimate]. Even more woe, since I don't have the discs (disks?) that install my old OS, Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005, which I love to death now, especially since it doesn't have damn chess. So. I'm wondering if there is a possible way to retrieve some data off of the hard drive containing Windows Vista before Dell sends the replacement OS disks (discs?) and I reinstall.

    Oh, and yet another question. When I reinstall XP MCE '05, what partitions of my drive will it reformat- C: or C: and D:? D: has fanvideo backups, websites, and a whole bunch of Photoshopmania. If it'll format both, see my above problem. :P

    And, sigh, one more thing that's driving me nuts- IS IT DISCS OR DISKS?!!!

    Kudos and thanks in advance.


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