New computer

    Date: 01/18/08 (Computer Help)    Keywords: asp, web, shopping

    Dear LiveJournal,

    I'm getting a new computer. When? I don't know. It's not going to be right away, maybe in March. I'm definitely getting one, though.

    The problem is, I'm not sure what products I should get. I don't want an all-in-one computer, because, for the most part, they normally suck. I decided to surf around today for some ideas based on this data:

    • Most of my time will be spent surfing the web, using online word processors and email clients.

    • I'm going to be using the lightest IM client I know (AIM Lite).

    • My music/video/image collection is very extensive (no more than 80GB, though).

    • I'm a Windows guy, and I don't hate Vista.

    • Since I'm not a big gamer, that's not a big priority (though I do play from time to time).

    So, with that in mind, I went fantasy shopping. I spent about an hour before I found the products that I think fit my needs and wants.
    • Acer Aspire Desktop with Intel Core2 Duo Processor E4500: I don't know much about Acer products, but this is very close to what I want. It has 3GB of RAM (I don't think I ever use more than 200MB), has a 500GB hard drive (double what I was initially looking for), and comes with a keyboard and mouse. It has Windows Vista already installed.

    • Dell 22" Widescreen Flat-Panel LCD Monitor: Not much to say about this, I just find it appealing. I'm not in a hurry to find a new monitor, but I do want one.

    I'm pretty confident that I've picked out the right products. What do you think? If you own either of these, please let me know how they perform, especially the Acer Desktop computer. I appreciate it!


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