CMOS battery woes

    Date: 01/26/08 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    After finding out my CMOS battery may be low or dead, I contacted Compaq and they sent me a replacement one for free. Considering I have a laptop, it wasn't that hard to replace. Hooray.

    Except windows is still not keeping time, and we have a new symptom. Sometimes any sound that's played through the system comes out horrendously distorted. The only way to make it stop is if I restart, and it'll start doing it again once I take the laptop out of sleep mode. If I leave it alone, then the distortion may or may not stop on its own.

    So what does this mean? It can't be that my mother board is going out, is it? I mean, I bought this laptop in September of 07! Then again, the CMOS battery is supposed to last for years as well.


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