Wireless Networking

    Date: 02/04/08 (Computer Help)    Keywords: browser, web

    Question/Problem: When I hook up my wireless router, my PC no longer connects, but the Wii can, without a problem

    Operating System and VERSION: PC: Windows XP SP2, and then whatevers on the Wii

    Web Browser and VERSION: Firefox for the PC, Opera for the Wii

    Your level of experience: Seasoned with certain things, beginner with routers

    Duration of problem: It's been happening for awhile. My ISP (Cox) says it's not them, but since I can connect with at least one internet-capable machine, I'm inclined to believe. It worked for awhile, but then stopped, and then would again, and then stopped again. We usually have to keep the router disconnected most of the time.

    Any steps you've taken to troubleshoot? I'm not sure of which I can take. I've tried it with the router on, but the Wii off, and still have nothing. It's already password-protected and all that good stuff.

    I'm not sure if this info matters:
    We're not sure if it's the computer (it's slowly dying a painful death). We're purchasing a laptop as soon as tax return comes in (should be by the end of the week), and we're hoping that both of us can get on the computers at the same time. We're purchasing a new tower in a few months (laptop is a priority, since I'm going to be going out of town, and still want to be in better contact than just phone with my husband).

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/863168.html

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