Trojan and anti-virus question

    Date: 02/13/08 (Computer Help)    Keywords: asp, virus

    Ok last night my roommates computer got a bad backdoor virus which her anti-virus program let get pass. She saved some of her artwork (they were mostly jpg and png files) to an usb port but she’s afraid to put it back on for fear it has the Trojan on it. Can backdoor Trojans attach themselves to files, jps, and pngs? Also can trojans and spywear attach themselves to mp3’s?

    We did get her computer rebooted but she lost everything, including her anti-virus program. Were wondering what’s a good anti-virus program to use? Please don’t mention McAfee, were have both had bad experiences with it so it is not an option. She read a few reviews that said kaspersky was good, anyone have any good experience with that?

    Any input you can give us is much appreciated. Thanks!

    (( x-posted ))


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