FileZilla sucks

    Date: 02/25/08 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Been trying all night to get the updated version of up but it won't go. The new index page should just feature 4 buttons, a center image, and text above and below the center image.

    This is the first time I've used FileZilla, what am I doing wrong? It seems like a pretty simple GUI but obviously not if I've waited 15ish minutes (I'm on dialup) for it to update only to find my OLD site still there.


    EDIT: I use Adobe Go-Live to manage my site and pages. I like it and have had NO problems using it to make sites. I've Exited it many times tonight and reopened my pages. They're still the newer versions. They're also newer versions in the Preview pages. So it isn't Adobe's mistake.


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