Disk Drive

    Date: 02/27/08 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    My disk drive has been going a bit nutso lately. I'm on a Toshiba running on Windows XP and lately my disk drive hasn't been detecting when I put a CD, DVD, or any type of disc into it. Sometimes its lights will flash for a few seconds but then nothing happens, nothing pops up, no little disc symbol next to my mouse. When it does detect the disc (on rare occasions) it will run it for a few minutes then suddenly stop processing the information. Whenever I inspect the disk drive the little laser (sorry i don't know the technical terms) is pushed all the way down and stuck away from the center of the disk drive. Every time I move the laser back to it original position it just gets stuck in that little corner again. I think the disks are being picked up because the laser is being faulty...Can anybody help me?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/867156.html

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