I don't get it...

    Date: 04/10/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus

    I only tried updating after the problems and after updating they remained the same...
    Mozilla's thunderbird mail client on my mom's computer [excuse any gibberish please, it's two am and i need to get up for work in seven hours and am tired].
    1 - Claims there's a hundred or so unread email's at times when all are read and there's not even that many in the inbox.
    2 - have to double click on a folder oft to get it to show it's contents or turn off the prog and back on or even reboot the comp.
    3 - won't delete, go away, won't delete, go away from the comp again, well of course it'll delete that message now suddenly.
    4 - doesn't always retrieve mail just sort of haaaaaangs in limbo.
    5 - being slow and generally cranky all of a sudden.

    I can't see why the prog's suddenly acting this way, I've got it on my comp and it works great, always has. The comp is virus free as far as the latest norton can tell me.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/372159.html

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