Wireless network woes II

    Date: 03/05/08 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software

    Okay, so I've posted about this before, situation has changed slightly (according to my wife, anyway). Setup: my computer (no-name home-built) connected to a wireless router (Netgear WGR614v6) connected to a cable modem (Motorola Surfboard). Wife's computer is a Dell, four years old-ish now, using one of Netgear's wireless USB eggs. Problem: her computer now connects to the network (signal strength listed as excellent), but it doesn't see the Internet. I, obviously, do, since I'm posting this.

    I know less than nothing about wireless networking, and am aggressive about it (I got out of hardware in the mid-nineties because I hated it), so when I plead with you to please use one-syllable words, I mean it. Anything more complex than changing a software setting I'll be calling in pros, so if it comes to that, just tell me to call the pros.

    Thanks in advance.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/868241.html

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