Help, please?

    Date: 03/21/08 (Computer Help)    Keywords: technology

    Hello, computer_help. I'm new to this community, and I joined as soon as I found it because lately, I've been having quite a lot of computer problems. I also wish to help in any way I can, if other people are as frustrated about technology sometimes as I am.

    In any case, here's my problem.

    Some of the icons on my desktop, on the place of the name, have a different color background from the wallpaper I am currently using. Normally, the background of the name of the file would be the same color as the wallpaper, but it isn't happening now.

    Some of the taskbars on a few of my programs have also gone awol. Whenever I click them, the background of the item I clicked goes white.

    This has been happening since yesterday evening, and it won't go away with a simple reboot.

    Thank you in advance to anyone who can help, and to anyone who actually bothers.


    (EDIT: Editted the screenshot of the problem for innapropriate use of language and lack of privacy. Editted in with one that shows the same problems.)


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